Join us on the journey to transform one of the world’s largest and oldest industries by leveraging AI to make contracts simple.

Robin AI in numbers

We’re an ambitious team that collaborates on pioneering legal AI projects.
Team in New York and London
Total funding amount
People of our team identify as women

Join us on our mission to make contracts simple

Richard Robinson
James Clough
Scott Casey
Katie Hewitt
Chief of Staff

Our values

We're on an ambitious mission to transform the way that contracts are reviewed and managed. We believe we have the right technology, brilliant colleagues and engaged customers to keep us moving towards this big objective.

Risk-takers and independent thinkers welcome
High ambition and holding ourselves to high standards
Honest conversations are the key to our company and personal development
We love delighting our customers and we always find new ways to add value

Our mission is to make contracts simple.

Historically, it has been slow, expensive and complex to review and manage contracts. The right technology hasn’t existed for legal professionals, until now. Our groundbreaking legal AI is being used to accelerate work in ways that was previously thought impossible.

We’re giving legal professionals superpowers, laying the foundations to completely revolutionise the way that lawyers work. We’re helping lawyers to enhance the accuracy of their work, to free up their time to focus on other strategic priorities (or so they can leave the office on time for once!).
Two Robin AI employees with a laptop

Working together to realise our vision for better, faster legal work.

We’re a team of engineers, lawyers, scientists and operations specialists. We build intuitive products that make it easy for lawyers to manage complex contract processes.

Backed by some of the world’s leading investors, including Temasek, Plural, QuantumLight and AFG Partners, we’re building a collaborative, ambitious team. We’re using generative AI and machine learning to solve challenges with contracts that were previously impossible.
Robin AI team having a meeting in a room

If you enjoy unpicking difficult challenges with colleagues who are driven and motivate to shape an industry, this is the right place for you!

We’re excited about the work that we’re doing to transform an industry that accounts for about 1% of the world’s total GDP. Making legal more simple, affordable and accessible.